Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Team Blog Challenge July 14-20

Lin Collette from rhodyart says
You cannot escape the speculation about when the Royal Baby will come, what sex it'll be, and so on. Whether you care about it or not, babies are nice to think about. This week's Blog Challenge is to find your favorite baby and new mom items in team member shops. You can post 1-3 items per posting, and it'd be great if you posted your finds often to give more attention to items you like.

Here are three things I've found
So cute:


missvalscreations avatar
What baby does not love an adorable stuffed animal?!

Laura B. avatar
den Roberge avatar
Lots of cool things in Jennie's shop for new moms and their babes....

Kelly Hoyt avatar
Lin Collette from rhodyart says
these could be framed and put in the baby's room

a tutu for the baby (lest you think a baby's too young my niece put her twins into them at 4 weeks old -- they were cute!)

cute owls for the nursery


Susan said...

Thanks for the feature, lots of great finds here, and congrats to the Royal Family!

Jess said...

Thanks so much for including my baby bath gift set!

Unknown said...

What a fun idea! Thanks for including The Orange Chair Studio's yellow star night light!

Unknown said...


merrillcat said...

Cool! Love the variety. Thanks for including my Christmas cat Allison. Never too early for Christmas?

merrillcat said...

Thanks for including my Christmas Cat Alisson, though it's a bit warm for a scarf right now.

I love the variety of items; great job!

One complaint: not with you, with blogger. It would be kinda nice if they made you log in *before* you'd written your post...