Tuesday, October 29, 2013

New England Crafters Team All Regions NECTeam Team Weekly Challenge 10/20 - 10/26

Original Post

Lin Collette from rhodyart says
This week we’re focusing on clothing sold in necteam shops, whether handmade or vintage, knitted or sewn, adult or child, it’s all good.
Post 1-3 of your faves from member shops here, and do feel free to come back daily with more of your finds. The more finds, the more chances of being included in the treasuries I’ll be making from the items posted in this thread, a nice way of helping to promote each other. You CAN include an item from your own shop, and you can include several items from the same shop in your post
Here are my first 3


Christine Ryan avatar
Posted the last one to the blog....I cannot figure out how Kris got it to look just like it does in the threads when she used to do it!

Kelly Hoyt avatar
Melissa Bourassa avatar


Cynthia Bolduc avatar
Cynthia Bolduc avatar
missvalscreations avatar

Lin Collette avatar
Sam Squailia avatarCaptain